Never without a critic

Still plodding onward on the shelving project.  I bought spackle today and filled most of the voids.  The Bearded One had to stabilize one section so I will not finish that until tomorrow.  Then sanding.  It doesn’t look much different than yesterday but plodding onward.

That pretty much describes much of my life ….but the onward is important…and I kind of like the plodding part.

I made homemade gnocchi for dinner.  It tasted good but did not hold up to being cooked…it started to fall apart in the boiling water.  Sigh.  I know that it is important to minimize the handling and the amount of flour.  Unfortunately, unless you are and Italian Grandma that is hard to judge!

I worked a bit more on the art project tonight.  With supervision as usual…

A bit of progress, but slow…


Last night






About Retired woman

retired, dealing with parents recent deaths, wondering what lies ahead with the health of my spouse, overall enjoying each day, love cooking, gardening, travel, Grandsons, family, small town life
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1 Response to Never without a critic

  1. Katie says:

    Wow! No wonder your instructor said what he did!

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