Awww…Come On Spring!

It snowed yesterday.  It is almost always below freezing at night.  We are still burning the wood stove all day long.  Come on, Spring, you are supposed to be making at least an occasional appearance now!

Granted, the grass is turning green.  The daffodils are starting to bloom.  The magnolia buds are turning pink.  But it is cold!

The birds really appreciate the feeders The Bearded One keeps filled.  The cats enjoy watching.

Today, we bought provisions for The Bearded One to be able to fend for himself for several days next week.  Then we became an official tv rating family.  Scary, huh?  We will be a household telling networks, cable providers and advertisers what people watch in this country.  Too bad the two of us generally cannot agree on that topic!  It will be a widely varied report.

I worked a bit more on the Eggplant picture. I am working on the tablecloth and putting some water droplets on the eggplant.

The last time I showed you, about a week ago...


About Retired woman

retired, dealing with parents recent deaths, wondering what lies ahead with the health of my spouse, overall enjoying each day, love cooking, gardening, travel, Grandsons, family, small town life
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2 Responses to Awww…Come On Spring!

  1. Pat, your sister says:

    Oh no. Star Trek reruns are going to be the number 1 rated TV show now.

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